Mental Emotional Clearing remedies are designed to deeply clear the mental and emotional elements that may be contributing to keeping you sick, stuck, or feeling trapped in old psychological programming and patterning. There is no immortal jellyfish message in these remedies. They can be used as needed with each other and all other IW remedies.

Liberation is indicated for helping resolve past memories and clearing trauma. It is designed to help clear out residual stuck cellular memories from your body so you can gain closure on past events that may feel unfinished or unresolved. It may help you to move forward with your life on all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and psychologically.

Liberation is a great remedy to help support animals that have experienced trauma, or are fearful, timid, or skittish. Pairs well with Immortal Pet .

Pure Redemption may support greater clarity, reflection, and inner freedom. It can help remove the conceptual mental structures and beliefs which may be limiting your view and causing you to suffer. When you change your conceptual structures and limiting beliefs, you gain access to a new perspective on your life. As a result this may allow you to find new solutions and answers to old problems.

Pure Forever is one of the most powerful remedies in the entire Immortal Wellness collection. It is designed to help heal deep subconscious and unconscious patterning. It may bring to the surface your deep subconscious and unconscious patterning that is normally hidden from your awareness and is only seen in your habitual responses. As a result it may better allow you to take control of your life and end the repetitive behaviors that keep you stuck.

Panacea is designed to help support healing your internal patterns of “dis-ease” (lack of ease) and addictive patterns and behaviors. It can be a particularly useful remedy when you cannot find the reason for a sickness and need to dig deeper to find more clarity and solutions to physical and emotional issues. It may help to support healing chronic ongoing illnesses that are puzzling or challenging to find the root cause of.

*NOTE: Some caution should be advised if people are on psychiatric medications as they may work in the opposite direction to some of the remedies. Specifically with Liberation, Pure Redemption, and Pure Forever as they serve to bring things to the surface while medications tend to suppress. If concerned consult with your doctor.