“Immortal Garuda is super powerful!! In my first week I noticed some strong irritability coming up (similar to my first bottle of Immortal Classic last year) and I immediately reduced the dose to 3 drops and to only taking it every second day. It gives me so much energy I feel like I’m catching a speed wobble and get slightly overwhelmed by all that I am able to get done. But there is a kind euphoria and excitement that’s very observable if I pace myself in a more orderly manner.
I have to admit it’s also tipped my libido over the edge – heightening it enormously. My hair is looking lustrious and my skin feels softer and plumper. All around this an amazing remedy but I’m having to go slowly with it to avoid bubbling over with too much passion and joie de vivre!”
“Immortal Garuda gives me an instant burst of energy and keeps me from crashing throughout the day. Immortal Garuda keeps me going and pushing throughout my entire work out.
I take Immortal Garuda an hour before my work out so my heart can start pumping and I feel the full effect of it during my workout. I’ve noticed during my workouts I’ve been recovering a lot faster and had the full effect of the increased energy to keep moving.
I’m never left feeling jittery like I might with caffeine. Immortal Garuda is better than any pre-work out supplement that I’ve taken so far.”
“After taking Immortal Classic for nearly a year I started Immortal Garuda. I have also been taking Golden Spiral and Creation. At 65 I’m feeling better than I did when I was 50, bouncing around like a lunatic, surfing, climbing mountains with ease, and mostly enjoying life so much that it feels like I must be cheating somehow since it is all happening without the sense that I am working for it.
The Immortal Garuda is super energizing, and while it’s tempting to call it the red bull of the Immortal collection, to even compare it to a crude caffeine delivery drink is ludicrous.
Immortal Garuda, is layered, it is nuanced, it is evolutionary like all of the remedies. Rather than taxing your liver and kidneys it stimulates them. I think Immortal Garuda is similar to the golden spiral in the sense of long lasting effects that tend to bubble up through the system.
For me Immortal Garuda is too strong a stimulant for every day use. It’s sort of like chewing coca leaves, but really to compare it to any drug is to do it a disservice. It’s more like a key that unlocks a code that sends life force through your system and yields a far seeing perspective.
I don’t pretend to have a scientific understanding of what’s going on but if red bull gives you wings, albeit temporarily, Immortal Garuda makes you literally feel something stirring beneath your shoulder blades.
Combined with Golden Spiral ( a game changer in itself) and Creation (so indescribably sublime), one feels armed to the teeth for meeting the coming challenges and capable of smilingly slaying ignorance wherever it arises.”
*Individual results may vary. Claims in testimonials may not be typical.