“I have been taking Immortal Clearing and Creation for a while now and two weeks ago I ran out. Something felt immensely different. My nervous system was in overwhelm and also my digestion was severely unhappy. I was trying to find out what could have happened, that I felt so different. And then it dawned on me… I wasn’t taking my remedies anymore. It’s absolutely crazy how sometimes we only notice what we have when it’s gone.
For me I believe Immortal Clearing helps incredibly with stabilizing and regulating my nervous system. It doesn’t mean I don’t experience turbulences or face difficulties, but I feel much more capable to navigate these times with a sense of ease and resourcefulness. I feel much better equipped to ride these waves with a sense of grace.
Creation on the other hand gets things moving for me. In the literal meaning. I would often experience constipation and just general sense of depression and apathy. Creation is so supportive for these situations. It gets things moving physically and also emotionally. Creation helps me express myself, and lets me become a channel for downloads to move through me and not stick. Creation allowed my energy to flow again.
I feel the biggest gift that Immortal Clearing has given me is renewed energy through nourishment of the nervous system and the physical body, to be a vessel for Creation to manifest or express itself through me!!”
*Individual results may vary. Claims in testimonials may not be typical.