“For the past couple of decades, I’ve experienced double vision. Remarkably, this double vision shifted and improved significantly within 48 hours of starting to take Immortal Eyes 2.0 combined with the Immortal Classic remedy.
With high-vibration energy healings and remedies, I’ve come to understand that I can’t demand a specific outcome. What unfolds depends on my participation and what my soul and body require.
This has certainly been the case with the remedies. Three and a half months in, my eyes continue to undergo significant changes. Sometimes, the vision worsens, and the double vision returns. Often, this occurs alongside a brief healing adjustment, accompanied by my eyes feeling extra tired and “thirsty” for the remedy. They tend to be a bit goopy in the morning after I’ve used it. However, after this adjustment period, there is usually a noticeable shift: for example, my long-distance eyesight has improved, and the yellowing of my eyes has reduced.
In conclusion, while the process hasn’t been without its challenges, the positive changes in my vision and eye health have been miraculous and undeniable, showing the efficacy of these remedies in supporting my healing journey.”
“I am blown away by the immediate effectiveness of Immortal Eyes 2.0. Whenever eyes start deteriorating, people generally say that when you hit 40, you need to wear specs … I don’t buy into that. I’m now 50 and I know there is an energetic component to this. I have had issues on and off for several years and over the past few months have taken to wearing +1 specs when reading at night if I’m tired … even though they generally end up on my head without my realizing it.
My right eye deteriorated significantly after my dad’s death 3 months ago and became quite ‘lazy’. Then last week both my eyes were suddenly really blurry. I don’t want to resort to carrying specs around and becoming reliant on them to read so I purchased a bottle of the Immortal Eyes 2.0 last week and three days in the blurriness was better.
I’m going to use the drops until the end of this bottle and, working with Panacea too, see if I can simultaneously bring to the surface what the underlying cause is so that the effects continue beyond the reliance on the drops. Looking forward”