The Companion Remedies are designed to support the other IW remedies and help bring various tones of uplifting or calming energy to your system to help restore balance, grounding, and inner alignment. These do not contain the message of the immortal jellyfish. They pair well with each other, and with all the other Immortal Wellness remedies.

Blue Lotus is designed to support relaxation and calming/soothing for your nervous system. It can help bring you back to yourself, into a more grounded space. It helps turn down the volume and restore the sense that all is right with the world and that you are safe and held within it.
Blue Lotus is safe for children and may help calm them down during times of tantrum, overwhelm, hyperactivity, hyper emotionality, or stress.

Tranquility is a stronger version of Blue Lotus with additional vibrational essence components that support sleep, nervous system calming, and deep relaxation.
It is indicated for anyone who has trouble sleeping; feels stressed out or anxious; feels overstimulated or wired from coffee, caffeine, or other stimulants; wants to relax and calm down your nervous system.
It can be used anytime where nervous system calming or relaxation is needed and may be a great addition to your bedtime routine if you have sleep issues.

Creation helps lift you up and elevate your mood. It is designed to give you the feeling of having “your best day ever” and can help to establish this as a pattern so it becomes your natural way of being all the time.

The Golden Spiral remedy is for restoring inner alignment and is designed to connect you to the original golden ratio that everything in nature is built upon. This may allow you to feel more grounded and aligned, and supports bringing you back into a state of internal balance.

Pure Amma “oxytocin” boost of love, is for feeling in love with life with elevated creativity, boosted focus, and a clear mind. It is designed to create a feeling of connection and being held and supported.
The purpose of this remedy is to help shift you out of wherever you are and put you into an elevated yet clear space where things feel good and from which you can still operate. Pure Amma creates the mood of the feeling that you are in love with life combined with the feeling of being elevated and undisturbed yet focused and clear.