Dr. Adam Suzman Sharing Benefits of the Immortal Jellyfish


  1. About The Immortal Jellyfish
  2. About Turritopsin™
  3. Immortal Jellyfish Research
  4. Miracle Tooth Trial Results
  5. IW Product Trials


Turritopsis Dohnrii the immortal jellyfish has been researched extensively by Dr Shin Kabuto, associate professor of marine biology at the Kyoto university in Japan. 

Records of immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis Dohnrii) research in 100 years works in Japan, mostly carried out by the author (Dr. Shin Kabuto) from 1976-2005

“In order for the so-called “immortal jellyfish” to accomplish its curious transformation, its adult cells, which are already specialized for specific purposes, need to change into entirely different types of specialized cells. 

Turritopsis dohrnii represents the only known instance of this reprogramming process, called transdifferentiation, occurring in nature. However, there is considerable scientific interest in identifying artificial ways to repurpose cells in order to help reverse degenerative diseases.”


We do not have the genes to do what the jellyfish does as we quite simply are not jellyfish. What has been isolated here is the message from the immortal jellyfish (Turritopsin™) — a protein to initiate the process of regeneration. It is a message that can work on all mammals as it is a simple command to return to an earlier state of being.

How we as humans respond to this command — given that we do not have the gene expression and the double gene DNA strands around aging which the jellyfish does — is still being mapped out.

What we have seen though in multiple trials is that the body begins to express its cellular structure at a younger version of itself which may translate into healthier and younger cells.

This means that all the cells associated with the area of action may become biologically younger and hence healthier than cells not exposed to the message of Turritopsin™. 

Whether this message from the rejuvenated area is still then communicated on to neighboring cells also remains to be seen. But what we have seen from repeated experiments is that cells that have been acted on by Turritopsin™ are typically shown to be more youthful, healthier and stronger cells than those which have not been acted on by Turritopsin™.

Ongoing research into the exact biochemical mechanism that occurs once the cell has been acted upon and the causal chain that arises thereafter is underway but what we have seen is that it begins a process of regeneration which likely ends up with younger, and healthier cells.

Turritopsin™ — The Life Molecule™

Turritopsin™ is a naturally derived molecule that is based on the chemical message that the immortal jellyfish sends to its cells in order to regenerate itself.

Turritopsin™ is made from wholly organic ingredients and is designed to mimic the chemical action that the immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis Dohrni) uses to return to a younger version of itself.

Because we do not have the highly specialized DNA of the jellyfish we cannot completely regenerate ourselves. However when we use Turritopsin™,  also known as The Life Molecule™, for it miraculous action, we send a biochemical  message to our cells to return to a more youthful version of themselves.

90% of the participants in the clinical trial reported improvement in their overall skin condition and a distinct improvement was often noticed within days.

Trial results reported included: general health of the skin, plumpness, less dryness, less roughness, improved softness, faster healing, less pigmentation, and less sun damage spots.

No Jellyfish were harmed in the making of Turritopsin™ and the ingredients for its construction as a molecule are 100 percent plant based.

The immortal jellyfish is able to completely regenerate itself on injury or old age and is hence biologically immortal. Although this is unavailable to us, we can at least use the message of renewal it sends to its cells on ourselves.

The molecule message, Turritopsin™ allows us to maintain optimal cellular functionality of whatever it is applied to and although generally used for the skin, can be taken as a spray in the mouth, or with toothpaste, to help support optimal gum health. It can also be added to a balm or sprayed on directly for accelerated wound healing and it has been seen to improve acne as well.

Wherever the message of regeneration is required one can spray on Turritopsin™. 

Turritopsin™ is designed to be generally safe for all as it is simply ones own cellular integrity that is being boosted.

If we are functioning biochemically at a much younger age than our actual physical age all our cellular interactions will be boosted which may translate into overall better cellular functionality which may mean generally feeling better and having more energy.

The making of Turritopsin™ required the using of proprietorial technology.

Extensive health testing over 3 years in addition to a 20 person clinical trial has been  done to check the safety of Turritopsin™ and no side effects whatsoever have been reported.

Turritopsin™ being a bio available molecule is sunlight sensitive so is best kept out of direct sunlight or temperatures over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit to preserve its efficacy.

It can be used on pets and animals in cases of injury, due to its tissue regenerative effects.


Miracle Tooth Research






Dr. Adam Suzman Sharing About The Benefits of Immortal Jellyfish


  1. About The Immortal Jellyfish
  2. Immortal Jellyfish Research
  3. About Turritopsin™
  4. IW Product Trials
  5. Miracle Tooth Trial Results


Turritopsis Dohnrii the immortal jellyfish has been researched extensively by Dr Shin Kabuto, associate professor of marine biology at the Kyoto university in Japan. 

Records of immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis Dohnrii) research in 100 years works in Japan, mostly carried out by the author (Dr. Shin Kabuto) from 1976-2005

“In order for the so-called “immortal jellyfish” to accomplish its curious transformation, its adult cells, which are already specialized for specific purposes, need to change into entirely different types of specialized cells. 

Turritopsis dohrnii represents the only known instance of this reprogramming process, called transdifferentiation, occurring in nature. However, there is considerable scientific interest in identifying artificial ways to repurpose cells in order to help reverse degenerative diseases.”

We do not have the genes to do what the jellyfish does as we quite simply are not jellyfish. What has been isolated here is the message from the immortal jellyfish (Turritopsin™) — a protein to initiate the process of regeneration. It is a message that can work on all mammals as it is a simple command to return to an earlier state of being.

How we as humans respond to this command — given that we do not have the gene expression and the double gene DNA strands around aging which the jellyfish does — is still being mapped out.

What we have seen though in multiple trials is that the body begins to express its cellular structure at a younger version of itself which may translate into healthier and younger cells.

This means that all the cells associated with the area of action may become biologically younger and hence healthier than cells not exposed to the message of Turritopsin™.

Whether this message from the rejuvenated area is still then communicated on to neighboring cells also remains to be seen. But what we have seen from repeated experiments is that cells that have been acted on by Turritopsin™ are typically shown to be more youthful, healthier and stronger cells than those which have not been acted on by Turritopsin™.

Ongoing research into the exact biochemical mechanism that occurs once the cell has been acted upon and the causal chain that arises thereafter is underway but what we have seen is that it begins a process of regeneration which likely ends up with younger, and healthier cells.


Turritopsin™ — The Life Molecule™

Turritopsin™ is a naturally derived molecule that is based on the chemical message that the immortal jellyfish sends to its cells in order to regenerate itself.

Turritopsin™ is made from wholly organic ingredients and is designed to mimic the chemical action that the immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis Dohrni) uses to return to a younger version of itself.

Because we do not have the highly specialized DNA of the jellyfish we cannot completely regenerate ourselves. However when we use Turritopsin™,  also known as The Life Molecule™, for it miraculous action, we send a biochemical  message to our cells to return to a more youthful version of themselves.

90% of the participants in the clinical trial reported improvement in their overall skin condition and a distinct improvement was often noticed within days.

Trial results reported included: general health of the skin, plumpness, less dryness, less roughness, improved softness, faster healing, less pigmentation, and less sun damage spots.

No Jellyfish were harmed in the making of Turritopsin™ and the ingredients for its construction as a molecule are 100 percent plant based.

The immortal jellyfish is able to completely regenerate itself on injury or old age and is hence biologically immortal. Although this is unavailable to us, we can at least use the message of renewal it sends to its cells on ourselves.

The molecule message, Turritopsin™ allows us to maintain optimal cellular functionality of whatever it is applied to and although generally used for the skin, can be taken as a spray in the mouth, or with toothpaste, to help support optimal gum health. It can also be added to a balm or sprayed on directly for accelerated wound healing and it has been seen to improve acne as well.

Wherever the message of regeneration is required one can spray on Turritopsin™. 

Turritopsin™ is designed to be generally safe for all as it is simply ones own cellular integrity that is being boosted.

If we are functioning biochemically at a much younger age than our actual physical age all our cellular interactions will be boosted which may translate into overall better cellular functionality which may mean generally feeling better and having more energy.

The making of Turritopsin™ required the using of proprietorial technology.

Extensive health testing over 3 years in addition to a 20 person clinical trial has been  done to check the safety of Turritopsin™ and no side effects whatsoever have been reported.

Turritopsin™ being a bio available molecule is sunlight sensitive so is best kept out of direct sunlight or temperatures over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit to preserve its efficacy.

It can be used on pets and animals in cases of injury, due to its tissue regenerative effects.





Miracle Tooth Research