“Golden Spiral is a sure ride to Wonderland. This remedy is weaving magic through me swiftly with it’s lustrous bright thread. It’s ability for cellular repair is something out of this world.
This ride to wonderland is one that I have only dreamed of – if Immortal Clearing is cleaning out my body’s damage, Golden Spiral is coming in after it with a soft silk blanket like a nurse with old world ethic in a superhero cloak, putting back all the things that old pain took from me and shifting me back into a state of complete alignment.”
“Overall I can say that this remedy is simply amazing! A real game changer, life changer even. I do believe it has a deeply harmonising effect physically, mentally and emotionally. This remedy is so gentle! It’s a bit like having a little friendly fairy sitting on your shoulder supporting and encouraging you as you go through life. At the same time it seems to go deeper and deeper as I take it. Seems to take you through some cycles. Because there have been times of some dredging up of physical and emotional stuff that comes to the surface and then it clears and then a few days later repeats.
On some of those days I’ve felt more tired than usual, but then a day or two later feeling good again. I also had some flu like detox symptoms. But I do feel this remedy is so gentle and safe that I personally wouldn’t have any reservations giving this to any of my children.
One thing I really like is that my sleep quality is much better. It definitely gives me a more restful sleep which is great.
Dreams have definitely intensified in an interesting way. Sometimes the dreams are just interesting in that such disparate elements are thrown together that I gave up trying to even analyse them. I actually look forward to dream time.
The first benefit I experienced on this remedy was that it improved my breathing by relaxing the tension in my diaphragm. So this is continuing, with each dose.
Some other effects that I’ve noticed. I feel my eye sight is improved. But in an interesting way, it’s more like the cobwebs have been cleared from my perception, so that objects are perceived more clearly and brightly, so the perception is brighter.
My face has become more bright and clear it seems. My skin is softer and clearer too. I’ve also noticed that my muscles feel more pliant and flexible and there is less tension and stiffness in my muscles.
Overall my body feels healthier, my skin is softer, my face is brighter, and there is less tension overall in my muscles.”
“Golden Spiral might be the most powerful and life changing substance I have ever put in my body. I received a bigger shift from using Golden Spiral drops than I have ever experienced trough any other form of therapy, practice, shadow work, meditation, or medication I have used trough my life. The shift is truly unbelievable.
I have had a few serious incidences of trauma trough this lifetime, including birth trauma that caused my soul to shatter and resulting in me not being fully “all of me inside of me”. Although I have managed to heal this to different degrees and had fleeting moments of really feeling completely me and present, I was not able to maintain this to any sustainable degree, shape or form and had difficulties staying grounded and having a feeling of completeness. Golden Spiral shifted this for me within a few hours of taking it for the first time.
The moment I put the drops in my mouth I could feel this wonderful powerful spiral of light moving trough me in a indescribable manner, I was filled with a lightness of being and experienced feelings of joy, love, peace, ecstasy, and bliss while still being fully present. It felt like I had enough energy to run a marathon while at the same time feeling so calm, peaceful and content. A feeling of order inside me and a supreme clarity filled my being.
As the day went on, I experienced an astonishing shift inside myself where I truly felt like MYSELF again for the first time in LIFETIMES. A very unfamiliar but yet familiar and comfortable state of being. It is very hard to describe this sense of being in words.
Since then and continuing using the drops this sense of being has been sustained and I am settling into this new way of being, it is busy amplifying and solidifying on all levels of my reality. I have moved into a state of flow where miracles and wonderful synchronicities are entering my day-to-day reality. I have an abundance of energy but at the same time a supreme feeling of stillness and contentment inside my being. I no longer feel the urge to add anything from the outside to feel complete and content. My perception of time has also shifted in a way I can only try to begin to explain as that time feels more expansive… I feel like I’m being shaped back into the fullness of my soul in each and every present moment.
I am forever grateful that these wonderful drops have come across my path”
“Golden Spiral keeps me in tune with the delicacy of life and every moment; and as I am known to fall into pits of existential malaise, this remedy has been crucial to my process – knowing a remedy that adjusts my perspective to welcome all the fruits of existence, with no expectations and total surrender to the divinity with which the Universe colors its own being – which includes us.
I feel as though this remedy has amplified all the work I have done through Liberation, Pure Redemption, and Immortal Classic; it puts me into a space where I can harness the gifts of clearing myself to welcome a life beyond my wildest dreams.
Golden Spiral; each moment is perfect, pure, and my belly is full of Love.”
*Individual results may vary. Claims in testimonials may not be typical.